Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The World of Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The World of Ethics - Essay Example 3. The Euthyphro dilemma is the dilemma found in the Plato’s dialogue known as the Euthyphro. In this dialogue, Plato asks Euthyphro whether gods love good actions (pious) because they are good, or is it that the good actions are good because they are loved by the gods (The Internet Classics Archive, web). This dilemma presents a real challenge to the divine command theory of ethics. This is because the divine command theory is based on the notions that morally good actions are the actions that are commanded by God, and the morally wrong actions are the actions that are against the command of God. 4. As a theory of ethics, moral relativism holds that the morality of human actions depends on the individual person giving the moral verdict; in other words, moral relativism holds that ethics is purely subjective and there is no universal standard of judging the morality of human actions. Moral relativism differs with the other theories of ethics that we have studied so far because all the other theories of ethics that we have studied are based on the idea that there is a universal moral standard or criterion of judging the morality of human actions. 7. The principle of double effect states that in some intricate moral dilemmas, one is permitted to perform an action that has at least one good and one bad effect if, and only if the following conditions are fulfilled. (a) The action, unlike its consequence, is not morally wrong, (b) The bad effect is not intended by the moral agent, and lastly (d) the bad effect is not â€Å"out of proportion† with the good effect. The principle of double effect allows the follower of natural law to resolve moral conflicts through choosing actions that are consistent with the natural law; the principle of double effect ensures that there is consistency in the application of natural law in resolving moral conflicts. 8. One of the objections to act utilitarianism is that it is

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Fashion and Celebrities in time of Modernism Essay

Fashion and Celebrities in time of Modernism - Essay Example The essay "Fashion and Celebrities in time of Modernism" talks about Fashion and Celebrities in the Modernism era. Paul Poiret and Madeleine Vionnet share the tribute for liberating women from their corsets. Swan bill, S-bend, or â€Å"health corset† was designed to ease pressure on the diaphragm and stomach and take the shape of the natural figure of the body of a female. Gibson, an American graphic artist designed the â€Å"Gibson Girl† hair style that was an ideal description of the gorgeous, autonomous American woman at the twist of the 20th century. A little boy kneeling down visualizes Gibson Girls magnifying him under a pair of lens, like an insect. Mariano Fortuny designed a Delphos Gown which was a finely pleated silk dress. Modernism at the same time has to do with futuristic, which is always connected with streamline and simplicity. One of the famous artist in the modernism faction was Pablo Picasso‘s cubism and futuristic. This is best demonstrated by the revolutionary fore-front leader in fashion, Paul Poiret with his illustrious lampshade dress in the year 1992 that depicted the best impression of modernism in fashion with simple lines and vivid color. Geometric patterns are among the common elements that can be seen in modernism. The space-age modern giant Pierre Cardin, in his design that combined esthetic strong lines and geometric shapes that were simple and remarkable, best illustrates these modern patterns. His style was simple, straight forward and emphasized some minimalism of ornament.